Friday, 23 January 2015

Campaign for TIME TO ACT

My very late post actually but I need to post this since my friend invited me to join 30 minutes painting. When I came to Komnas Perempuan, I had no idea what I am going to do and still blank about what should I paint. So, there it is my far from perfect painting but a woman from British embassy like it :) There are 2 guns as a censor on woman vagina and I choose green army colour for my main colour. Can you guess what's the meaning of my painting? :p 
I think we have to think clearly to speak about sexual violence. 
Does women give trigger so that's happen or it's because men's who has bad behaviour?
What I can do now is just support to prevent sexual violence with time to act campaign.

Festival Seperlima



Made almost all of the design collaborate with one of My favorite illustrator, Marishka Soerkarna aka Icrut, was a great experience to explore my design knowledge. So happy that the event was successful even I couldn't attend that day. 
Photo credit by Agung haratamurti, I grabbed from Seperlima facebook.


I know his death when I was a child without knowing much about him and the truth about all of the tragedy. This illustration I made for Pamflet newsletter's cover celebrate 10 years of his death.
If you want to know more just read and find the history.

Pamflet Newsletter #3

Made this cover and layout for the newsletter. You can read the entire articles here.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Infographic Anak Muda & Politik

In Javanese, AGEMAN simply means clothingAgeman is one of the new unique fashion brand from Jakarta who using Batik Cap as their main material. I made the logo based on kawung motif, which have some symbolic meanings, to the palm blossom indicates purity and honesty, while the palm fruit refers to fertility and hope. There is also a profound philosophy attached to it of universal energy and the sacred origin of human life, longevity and eternal life
Check out their website and get ready to shop! 

It's Bekko!

I love the concept of bekko! they have eco friendly bag with good quality materials. I felt so happy when they asked me to design 4 of their bag.  Bekko is a Melbourne-based start-up that aspires to create things that are beautiful and natural. bekko is a group of friends with a love for design, fashion and anything witty and green. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Just doodling!

Media: fabric markers on bag

Menggambar tanpa sketch, just do it! tas yang tadinya polos dan di beberapa sisi kulitnya agak mengelupas, lalu ditutupi dengan marker dengan bunga-bunga bernuansa bohemian :p. Yah beginilah, lumayan untuk menghilangkan stres dengan bisa bebas berekspresi plus dimodalin..haha. 

Yoga series for sale

Nowadays yoga is like a trend. More than that it's a lifestyle. Maybe you think that I follow the trend easily, but actually my dad has done yoga since my childhood, then I started to realise the important of doing yoga just a year ago. It really helps me to find out the new me. Some of yoga poses are interested to illustrate as an analogy of balance and harmony, for general we can say 'let's make love not war'. Even I am not an expert, but I just love how yoga give a power yet peace to our body and mind. So, in this temporary world let's make friends with nature, animal and other people.

These illustrations will make your yoga studio/ room some artsy touch :)
Media: collage, watercolor on paper.
Now it's for sale, just contact me:
Thank you :)

Monday, 14 July 2014

For you who love The Doors like I do.

Tiba-tiba ada telepon ketika saya sedang pulang duduk di metromini. Telepon dari teman yang ingin dibuatkan logo dan singkat cerita beberapa jam kemudian saya sudah berada di kediaman Ade Paloh, yang lebih dikenal sebagai personel band Sore, salah satu band indonesia yang saya suka. Proses pemikirian untuk pembuatan logo ini bisa dibilang cukup singkat dan spontan. Senang bekerjasama dengan anak-anak Helat tubruk yang kreatif dan antusias :) 

Kutipan yang diambil dari website Helat Tubruk:

A platform for group of friends -who incidentally are well adapted in music though not necessarily musicians themselves- to share their artistic outputs and help each other in their woes in the process of doing just that.Although not binding in any way, so far 3 groups has -by strings of unfortunate occurences- identified themselves as part of helat tubruk, they are Polka Wars, Tigapagi and Marsh Kids, and we will be more than happy to share with the world what these los desesperados has to offer.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Pamflet Newsletter #2


Di newsletter kali ini, Pamflet memperingati 16 tahun Reformasi dengan menggali kembali bagian-bagian sejarah yang belum banyak terkuak. Para penulis dan reporter kami, yang semuanya bagian dari generasi pasca-Reformasi, bergerak dengan inisiatif sendiri dan mengumpulkan kenangan dan observasi pribadi berbagai kubu yang ada pada waktu itu mengenai Reformasi – mulai dari para aktivis di lapangan, korban penculikan paksa aparat, hingga keluarga korban – dan menyajikan Reformasi dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. 
Untuk baca lebih lengkap, klik disini.